1978-1981 consultant for the museum of Malmö department technique and ship. Exhibition producer for AV solutions, including dramaturgically work. Director of producing a number of film abut technique, the developing of malmö airport, how to fly the Swedish combat flight Draken
1981 fynden av fotevikesskeppen
1982 utgrävning fotevikensskeppen med flotten
1982 The documentation af the excavation of 5 Viking ships in foteviken ”Dokumentation av utgrävningen av fem vikingaskepp vid Foteviken”.
1983 Ethnological work, Research and interviews oft the last couple of fishermen’s in the city of Malmö
1983 familjerna Enoksson & Jakobsen på resa i vikingarna spår
Sveg I och SVEG II våra husvagnar
1986 - Initiated the organisation of the association Scandinavian Viking Explorer Group – 350 members Chairman 1986-
1987 Film documentary of the anniversary of the find of the Viking ships in the fjord of Roskilde in Denmark.
1987 Part of the reconstruction work of the experimental village in Hög Sweden including video documentation of the building of the houses and also the experimental with iron work.
1988 första båten SVEG III
1988 Part of the maritime research group in Skegrieborg och Helge river i Scania led by docent Anders Ödman.
1988 Maritime Research and ethnologically work including documentation , interviewers of locals about the find and excavation of the Falsterbo boat 1948 dated to the 1300 century today on exhibition at Falsterbo museum but never documented .
1989 An experimental project with a dug out canoe going from Travemunde, Germany to Trelleborg Sweden.
1989 sep 23 dop flotten
1989 Knösen & tegelvraket
1990 Partner and responsibly for the Audio visual production of the Viking presentation on the big Viking exhibition in Florens, Italy 1989 and Malmö, Sweden 1990
1990 Part of the georadar investigation and research for the old over sanded medieval city of Falsterbo
1990-1992 Documentation of the excavation of the Swedish Trelleborg, i Skåne for the museum of Trelleborg
1989-1995 In charge of mariarcheolgicly diving team and the inventory of the maritime area around the Falsterbo
1991 A part of the ship excavation team and the excavation of the medieval Ship find Knösen dated 1157
1991 Bygger flotte och dykbåtar till SVEG
1990 kanalen
1991 Liontassen och Sveg utställning i Höllviken
1990 knösegrävning
1991 sökning efter vrak kring falsterbo
1992 In Charge of the Maritime investigation team ”inventory the Maritime Sweden” with maritime research of underwater ships and constructions.
1992 -1995 Project manager, researcher and one of the editors of the production of the biggest education book and video production for maritime archaeologist and sport divers. Material includes 600 pages and 8 hours edit video divided into 24 parts. Partner Professor Johan Rönnby, Professor Carl Olof Cederlund, Lector Christer Westerdahl
1991 foteviks fosfatgängent
SVEG Jan Löfstseds minnesfond
SVEG möten
1991 ALU
1992-1995 Excavation leader of the maritime excavation of the Skanör kogg outside Skanör, Sweden dated 1380
1992- 1994 Project leader for the inventory and phosphate analyse of the bay of Foteviken
1992 On the behalf of the Municipalityof Vellinge planning, organising and the developing of the Museum at Foteviken
1993 Research and reconstruction work of the Viking ship find ”Foteviken 1” Including of making a full scale replica of the ship.
1993 - 1994 Responsibly for the inventory of local farmers around the bay of foteviken
1993 koggfyndet
1993-1998 Member in the steering group for the the Swedish marine archeologically ” styrgruppen för ”Sveriges Marinarkeologiska Råd”.
Marinarkeologi dykning & koggen
1999 - 1999 Head of the marine archeologically inventory in Skälderviken, Sweden.
1995 åhus dyk
1993 museivägen
1993 - Director for the museum of Foteviken.
1998-2003 Head for the full scale reconstruction of two cog ships, Skanörskoggen och Almerekoggen.
2008 SVEG Styrelse
2003 - 2009 Director for the Koggmuseum in Malmö.
2009 - 2012 Director of the medieval cogship organisationen
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